A few questions :)

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A few questions :)

Postby creativeguy » September 17th, 2009, 2:28 pm

I had PM'd Dr Robo about this at one time. But I wanted to get a general idea from the writers and artists on a few matters. First of all I am a big fan of all your work in general. In my case I do a lot of writing and story development and I've been interested in trying my hand in this genre. Of course there is this little bitty problem, though I can code in PHP/mysql and I can write decent stories, I couldn't do image work to save my life (well yet I'm the type that can pick things up). I have an over developed imagination which tends to book level detail (and working on that aspect of writing) and I find this current form attractive as you have an avenue to do rich storylines with rich imagery and meld the two into something special. Call it somewhat fertile ground for my imagination of late. I am not much of an artist myself. So I have a few questions.

Where and how do you hook up with an artist to create something along these story lines?

What do the artists look for in story lines that appeal to them?

What do they look for in general in terms of writers?

What do you suggest for someone that is interested in exploring this genere of comics in terms of doing more with it, but who is a complete novice to this form?

On the technical side:

If I am to teach myself how to create the art as that may be required (and I am sure it will take a great deal of time).

What do you suggest for tools? I was looking at a couple and there are a tad out of my price range ;)

What do you suggest for resources to get up to speed?

And what do you suggest for where to start?

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Joined: September 14th, 2009, 4:16 pm

Re: A few questions :)

Postby Akonkid » September 18th, 2009, 11:22 am

Thanks for the questions and interest! I can't speak for the others, but here's my thoughts.

Where and how do you hook up with an artist to create something along these story lines?
- Meeting people here and other similar sites is one way to meet artists able or willing to do storylines. Or if you wish to create your own images, there are several artists willing to share tips and advice.

What do the artists look for in story lines that appeal to them?
- Well, it's a mind control site, so mind control has big appeal for me. :P Usually, I like stories that have some sort of characterization rather than just simple MC, sex, or one particular fetish. I like stories that shake things up and try new things as well.

What do they look for in general in terms of writers?
- A good writer is one that can express what they envision without overdoing it on the details while still allowing the artist artistic liberty to experiment around.

What do you suggest for someone that is interested in exploring this genre of comics in terms of doing more with it, but who is a complete novice to this form?
- There are several good books out there, and just familiarizing yourself with a wide variety of good comics is a start, whether it be classics such as Watchmen, The Dark Knight Returns, or The Dark Phoenix Saga, or fun and action-filled comics like Danger Girl, Invincible, or Nova that tend to have and embrace typical comic book tropes.

On the technical side:

If I am to teach myself how to create the art as that may be required (and I am sure it will take a great deal of time).

What do you suggest for tools? I was looking at a couple and there are a tad out of my price range
- I use the free render program from DAZ 3D Studios (www.daz3d.com) which also has free models.

What do you suggest for resources to get up to speed?
- You are your own best resource. Getting familiar with any program, art websites and communities, and basic art principles are important, and there is information on all of that all over the web.

And what do you suggest for where to start?
- You've already started right here. Branch out, meet others, don't limit yourself. No two artist ever do anything the same way, so get your own style and learn from others.

I hope that helps.
If she would just do what I asked, I wouldn't need to use mind control!
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Re: A few questions :)

Postby creativeguy » September 18th, 2009, 1:24 pm

Thanks for the feedback, akonkid :) Much appreciated I'll look over DAZ as well... perhaps I'll post a few of the story concepts in this universe that I have in mind. Hopefully sometime I can work with one of you folks.

Thanks again your thoughts were most helpful.
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Joined: September 14th, 2009, 4:16 pm

Re: A few questions :)

Postby sohta123 » July 29th, 2010, 2:22 pm

To add to this topic I was wonder if a person really needs to be an artist to fo this work?
In DAZ etc I see the models to use.
Is the learning curve a year or two or days to learn the interface well enough to create comics?
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