[quote="jrhcl2"]Hello Mr. Cryptic !! So you are finally making it clear who has the most magical powers and who's the strongest heroine. Lord Prospero has the most magical powers and Brickhouse is the strongest heroine both are more powerful than Ishtar in those areas. Your finally saying Ishtar isn't the most powerful being in your universe! So Prospero has the magical power to make a being physically stronger than Ishtar and Brickhouse, brickhouse being equal or stronger than Ishtar. So Ishtar doesn't have enough magical power to make herself stronger than any being but Prospero does have the magical power to create a being stronger than any superheroines! [quote]
What Prospero says and what is true aren't necessarily the same. Maybe Prospero is overconfident.
This story is actually a very old school comic tale. Brickhouse is being pitted against a foe that is like her but even more powerful. This is similar to the Abomination being stronger than the Hulk (when the Hulk's not angry), or Titanium Man being stronger than Iron Man, or Ivan Drago or Clubber Lang being stronger than Rocky. The hero's nemesis is supposed to one up the hero, but the hero wins anyway. I'm telling a very traditional hero story, except there's hot woman and more sex

Brickhouse is currently having a very successful run of superheroing because her husband is guiding her based on inside information of the Triskelion Guild. To a lesser extent he's helping Ishtar and the other heroines, but mostly he's just sending them to help Brickhouse when she needs it. Ishtar is more powerful than Brickhouse.
By the way, there will be delay in getting the next update up. I'm upgrading to a new version of Poser and a new computer. Talk to you soon!