AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » January 5th, 2011, 3:04 pm

Hello MCcomix fan.
Today is Wednesday, not Tuesday and I have the update ready to go. It was originally going to be a 30+ page update to speed the story along but I had to cut it to get something in on time. Maybe Doc will let me post the rest on a free Friday down the road.

Hopefully you guys are ready find out what going to happen to Irish Justice in “For the Benefit of Society – Part 7”

Captured again as Irish Justice, Dora is in a helpless state. Forgetting everything that was done to her before, she ventured into her own apartment only to be snared in another trap laid down by the despicable Number Two. This time she is under the influence of her own mind controlling apparatus. What vile things does the blonde vixen have planned for the helpless heroine? Tune into to the latest update to find out.

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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby Trishbot » January 20th, 2011, 12:32 pm

I always love bedroom enslavements. After the slave is taken, the bed is right there, so no excuse NOT to strip down and have a good sexy romp on the mattresses.

The plot thickens, of course, and I'm eager to see just what's going to happen with Irish Justice. She's incurring an interesting mix of magic and science, all at once, while Number Two is somewhat vindicated in her revenge. Interesting scenario.
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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » February 1st, 2011, 7:51 am

Hello fans of mind controlled superheroine peril

Welcome to the first day of February and to another update of Irish Justice’s story, For the Benefit of Society

With out further ado…

Dora has had her body put under control by nanobytes, has had her will suppressed by hours of pleasure/pain treatment and now she is caught up in yet another one of Number Two’s traps. This time she’s having her psyche alter to fit the mold that the doctor has planned for. But, as an added means of incentive to destroy Irish Justice’s resolve, Number Two explains her participation and intent for the whole process - revenge. Now subjected to the mental bombardment of the helmet again, can the heroine somehow find a way out of this predicament or will something even more sinister take place?

Check out Part 8 of For the Benefit of society and see for yourself

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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby teridoll » April 25th, 2011, 10:11 pm

Any update on when this series will get its next installment? It is well past April 16th? Just curious, as I love the story so far :)
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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » April 26th, 2011, 1:03 am

OK McComix fans, here it finally is. After one turbulant month of car stolen, parent sick and crazy tornado days, I have finally found the werewithal to put together an update. I'm sorry for the massive delay and the broken promise but here it is anyways.

Unaware of her impending fate, Irish Justice finds herself visited by American Amazon, who doesn't seem to be acting quite like herself! Compelled to follow the heroine, Dora discovers the insidious plans her master has in store for them all, and her final fate begins to unfold!

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Look for the last part and the epilogue on friday or Saturday next week.
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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby steverogers5 » April 26th, 2011, 11:22 am

Ooh! What a place to leave off! :D So great to see American Amazon again. Your depiction of her always rocks! :)
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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby mns_95125 » April 29th, 2011, 10:59 am

I like the more subtle expressions of Dora's brainwashing on her nominally 'free' actions. Working on a Sunday? Changing her job to one in the DoD, where Dr. D. works? Nothing unusual there, folks, move along. Not to mention the highly invasive brainwashing machine that seems to have been left in her apartment. Dora really has no idea how much of her world has changed on her...
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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » April 30th, 2011, 11:33 pm

Thanks steverogers5 and mns_95125. I'm glad you guys liked it. I aim to please.
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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby Hector2 » May 18th, 2011, 11:01 pm

Hi there!

Congratulations Dumbtime, this story is very good, I remember having read something once about "Number 2" and maybe some device like this applied to Wonder Woman in super stories, is this the same story?

I really appreciate all the time you're taking to show us Dora enslavement. After all, is a superheroine we are talking to. There must be a lot of traps and certainly a lot of brainwashing from the villains only to assure she will not scape, (nothing to say about being controlled). The point that they have tought to enslave the godess was also a good idea.

Keep up your good work

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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » May 20th, 2011, 12:38 pm

Thanks for your comments Hector! The are very much welcome here. :)

As for the story, yes. This is story arch taken from Knyght16's WW short story called, 'The Balance.' I wanted to pay homage to Knyght and his story so I got permission and created the Irish Justice character to represent WW's role and incorporated the story into the American Amazon storyline.

The purpose of the arch is to show the true nature of Dr. Digi and how he views the 'true' role of superheroines - completely submissive super soliders that will use their powers for one purpose, serving the nation without morals or passion, and use their bodies for breeding more super 'beings.' They would be under the direct and ultimate control of the government for the 'benefit of society.' He is searching for the perfect candidate for his 'ultimate' future plan that has yet to be divulged. He initially selected AA as a guinea pig to experiment on and then selected Irish Justice for a test of something more sinister down the road but, for now, they are the first of his now growing collection of superheroines.

Digi is more of a fringe, black box type scientist and works under the radar by using the guise of his position at the Dept of Defense in order to not provoke suspicion. Its one of the reasons he 'controls' American Amazon like he does. He also despises the fact that some of superheroines super powers are derived mystically and not through nature as he is a scientist and believes that science is the true measure of everything.

To get a little more background on Digitalus, check him out here at the wiki site - http://metrobay.wetpaint.com/page/Digitalus

Also, Knyght16 is, i believe, over at HIP and is currently helping Jpeger with his Blunder Woman story.
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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » June 1st, 2011, 7:57 pm

Well, it's finally here.

I sincerely apologize to everyone for this delay. I know it's not much of an apology but, I can only do what I can.


Dora is in the clutches of the good doctor and his assistant. American Amazon is an accomplice to her abduction. Now's she's hooked up to some nerfarious machine. What could be in store for her and her vigilante alter-ego, Irish Justice? Let's just say there's one more piece to the puzzle left to place in Digitalus' ultimate plan for her, oh, and someone else is due a just reward as well. Tune in to see what happens.

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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby Hector2 » June 4th, 2011, 10:52 pm

Hi Dumbtime!

Don't worry for the delays, it's understable, I have never draw or used 3D graphics, so I think it's very difficult and you must take your time.

About that, I like the time you are taking to tell this tale. Other authors enslave the heroines very easily... but very easily they escape (it is common in superheroes comics), but Digitalus takes his time, plan after plan, one step after another. I hope he could get enslaved his heroines for a long time.

Keep up the good work and thanks

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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » June 9th, 2011, 8:47 am

Yeah, Hector, having a personal life outside the rendering cramps my time as well as working about 55 hours week. Any hiccup in the schedule reflects in the time it takes to get it done. I really don't mean to frustrate you guys. It frustrates me to no end when I miss a deadline or a promised date.

The doctor is very meticulous and methodical. He has changed his focus from technological advancements in weaponry to a more biological approach. This has him dabbling in a lot in psychiatry, psychology and psychotherapy. He sees the evolution of a superheroine as the the ultimate means to advanced weaponry. He also despises mythology and mysticism and believes that science is the measure of all things. He is a total devotee to his own cause and seeks the utmost in his effort. Letting one of his prized possessions get away isn't in the cards. :twisted:

Thanks for your comment.
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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » June 21st, 2011, 10:10 am

Hey McComix fans. I need to inform you guys that my update that was scheduled for today has been pushed back to Monday 27th.

Yes, it's more real life situational stuff but, this time around its a good one.

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Re: AA Universe - Simple Shorts: For the Benefit of Society

Postby dumbtime » June 27th, 2011, 9:32 pm

E gads!! Where's the update?
Not again, Dumbtime, not again. :roll:

Well, my rendering life suck as its always the thing that suffers when something happens. Yesterday and today it was a broken update of McAfee making Window Defender think it was a trojan like program and kept shutting it down every 30 second. That bugged the crap out of me so I tried to fix it. And, that didn't work, so I called support and eventually today like 1 hour before I was to go to work it got fixed. I did work on stuff but it drug out the process.

I tell you that to lead to this - I want to finish this story out the best way possible. It's my first ending to one of my series and I want it to be done right. So I'm moving the update to Wednesday as not to interfere with 'The Hive' update for Tuesday.

Please don't throw the rotten tomatoes at me for doing this again, they really mess up the shirt. Fresh ones are ok, just not the rotten ones.

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