More Vampire stuff please

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More Vampire stuff please

Postby gunnyc » March 17th, 2012, 8:46 pm

I am a newbee here, but I would like to see more Vampire Hypno stuff. :geek:

The Son of Dracula has a lot of potential. I hope it gets updated. :D

I would like to see Alucard make out with the mom and daughter, after the mom gets her from upstairs. He would than put the bite on the stuck-up girl after he has his way with both of them at the same time. Not a bad thing to have a rich family as his slaves to support him. Who knows maybe there is an older sister at collage coming home on a spring break…
Heck afterwards he would put the bite on his own Mom for waking him up from his “dreams”. :twisted:

I would like to see the series continue with Alucard hypnotizing a few teachers at school (seems like most moderns schools don’t have a whole lot of windows) or some other authority figures, like his boss at Burger World from his night job. Or the school Nurse, the hot female Army recruiter in her office late at night. Maybe it would be good to put he bite on the school principle, or his sister and her friends. Seems like he is an outcast and would have a grudge against woman he deals with on a daily basis and being the son of Dracula you are an abomination and rules such as hypnotizing and enslaving your mom or your sister would no longer apply.

I have a thing for MILFs. You got to figure if all of the younger women are incredibly hot, they got to have hot moms….

Also just my own little thing, normal size breasts, or all different sized breasts are a good thing...
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Re: More Vampire stuff please

Postby mauser8mm » October 8th, 2013, 3:49 pm

More vampire corruption stories
More parasite corruption stories
More possession corruption stories
More nanotechnology corruption stories
More succubus corruption stories
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Re: More Vampire stuff please

Postby mitru » October 16th, 2013, 12:02 pm


I'm working on a regular comic series with Son of Dracula's writer, Lokito. You can take a look here:

The series is going in the direction you're talking about.

Some time ago, I was working in a Supernatural series on HIPcomix, called "The Witching Hour" but I did only one episode and it's no more at the moment. But it's a theme that I love, I've always been a great fan of World of Darkness tabletop roleplaying games and universe.

Thanks for supporting us and your suggestions.
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Re: More Vampire stuff please

Postby mauser8mm » February 25th, 2014, 11:33 am

mauser8mm wrote:More vampire corruption stories
More parasite corruption stories
More possession corruption stories
More nanotechnology corruption stories
More succubus corruption stories

With Firstborn's story Queen's Reign over and Mitru's story Astro Boy the only game in town. There really is not much keeping my account open a lot of the artists have more updates at metrobay so is there any reassurance to keep account open?
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Re: More Vampire stuff please

Postby Northern Chill » February 25th, 2014, 11:51 am

mauser8mm wrote:
mauser8mm wrote:More vampire corruption stories
More parasite corruption stories
More possession corruption stories
More nanotechnology corruption stories
More succubus corruption stories

With Firstborn's story Queen's Reign over and Mitru's story Astro Boy the only game in town. There really is not much keeping my account open a lot of the artists have more updates at metrobay so is there any reassurance to keep account open?

Yes, there is. We have a great variety of stories here with outstanding writers and phenomenal art here at MCComix. Everything from superhero fare to civilian themed mind control..long running characters seen in Cryptic's universe to stories just starting out with creative types like MCTek and Creativeguy59.

We're not here just to serve up the same characters and themes every week like you might find elsewhere. Variety is what drives MCComix and I think we put out a phenomenal product four times a week.

If there's themes you'd like to see more of, post about in the forums for the artists/creators you like most. The staff here listens to all feedback and appreciates what the membership has to say.

In the end, the choice is yours.

Northern Chill
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"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
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Re: More Vampire stuff please

Postby mitru » February 27th, 2014, 1:58 am

As Northern Chill tells to you, we can try to satisfy any customer but that's something impossible to do. Tastes are like colors, everyone has got a favorite and even when we try to reach any Mind Control theme through a wide kind of comic stories, somebody was disagreee with the website's content.

From my personal experience, I had not got any feedback for my Astral Boy series with Lokito but I got 4 or 5 personal messages via mail or Deviant Arte each time I do a Mindloss update. Our time is limited so we will always try to satisfy the widest range of subscribers and even when I love that kind of stories, it's obvious that people prefer Fembot stories here. Even I had a little "discussion" with Astral Boy's creator (Lokito) about this, because he had and idea about the series and the further direction of the comic story and I thought it was not fitting here. That's the reason I'm working on a epilogue for the series and it'll be definitively closed, I'm sorry but it was going into a Femdom story with Astral Boy dominated by his constant nemesis... once more time this site is not about that.
I think that if I work for a Mind Control site, I should work on Mind Control stories. That's right we can make it from different points of view and we try to do it, but we should always be sure we're working in the right way.

The good news for you is that my Bro (AG) is completing his Green Ice stoty and his next comic story here it's going to be about Dark Magic & Sorcery... resuming Voluptuous Barbarian Girls, Sexy and Hot female witches and of course Dark Mages controlling and exploiting them in the most insidious ways. So if you be patient, you will be able to enjoy this new comic story here at MCcomix. But if you prefer to leave us, I wish you enjoy Metro Bay comics if you like them... it's your money and your chose, of course.

To finish I tell to you that I'm always receptive to any comment and suggestion, even collaborations if the stories adhere to website rules and direction. I've posted polls here and at HIPcomix and a lot of question about customers' tastes because I always try to offer a wide range of products and the answers are oftenly null or limited. So if you want changes, the best you can do it to ask for them to story creators. The soul of any community are its users after all.

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Re: More Vampire stuff please

Postby creativeguy » March 1st, 2014, 12:18 pm

mauser8mm wrote:More vampire corruption stories
More parasite corruption stories
More possession corruption stories
More nanotechnology corruption stories
More succubus corruption stories

Hey there, I'm new to things here so a lot of folks don't know my style or the work, you can get an idea though at my DA account ... I'm still getting a feel for things and even though I've done a few comics before this, I haven't really had a world of experience with it. What I do have is a very broad set of interests in the MC and TF zones (you can see that again on my DA stuff) ... I am working on several story lines that I'd like to post around corruption I am just not sure of the timelines yet. I'm working out things for the next six months based on my twice a monthly (or so release schedule here) ... I will be doing a possession/demonic tbased story series, tentatively called, "Demon Price" ... I have a vampire series I've scoped out but not really written anything for tentatively called, "The Last Vampire" as well. What you have wanted to see are some of my favorites as well. I see corruption as part of the mind control world and I agree not all mind control is technology based, or even simply purely magic based, the mind control community is quite large and broad... and my views of it tend to be large as well :)

Can't promise the when until I figure things out as I have Freedom Femmes series I work with a madcap on, but my other slot each month I'm doing for personal work, my first one is Drone Daze which is nanotech / drone based that is a story that I've been developing for some time... but not sure what I'm doing for my second march release or into April yet :) I've been building up my runtime's for the series I mentioned just haven't had time to fully develop it out yet...

So have patience, I think you'll see variety will pick up and the like it just might not be instanteously.
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Re: More Vampire stuff please

Postby mauser8mm » March 28th, 2014, 8:03 pm

Well well do my eye deceive me did some one answers my cries.
Thank you creative guy will this be just a one shot?
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Re: More Vampire stuff please

Postby creativeguy » March 29th, 2014, 3:52 pm

Your eyes do not deceive, I just released it a few moments ago and no it won't be a one shot not sure when the next one will be out quite yet. I have a limited number of slots and April I have just one and need to do a Freedom Femmes release... however I may release the next one in May ... I have about 3-4 chapters generally scoped out but there may be more... This was a bit larger than my normal work and still working out some details with renders still but it will get better as I get better at a vampiric based series and blow off some rust :)
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