Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The Trap)

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Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The Trap)

Postby dumbtime » July 20th, 2013, 6:50 am

Well Guys,

I was suppose to have an update ready today but I don't. I acquired an upper & lower respiratory infection on Monday and it significantly hindered my rendering time. I need to get the product to MacroLass for dialogue with enough time for her to work her magic and I'm still getting the last few pages done. Look for the update to post Wednesday the 24th or Friday the 26th based on how much time ML needs.

Sorry about this, again, guys. It is what is it but I'm doing the best I can with it.

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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby dumbtime » July 24th, 2013, 7:37 am

Hey peeps,

Quick update, I'm in the hospital. Update on hold till I get out. Heart complications from the infections.
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby MacroLass » July 24th, 2013, 4:43 pm

Yikes! Get well soon, Dumbtime!
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby mns_95125 » July 24th, 2013, 8:32 pm

What she said. You have to keep your priorities straight: first, stay alive. Only then is pornography appropriate. Take your time.
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby Mr. Cryptic » July 25th, 2013, 3:39 am

Rest and get better, Dumbtime. Looking forward to updates when you can :) .
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby dumbtime » July 27th, 2013, 8:40 am

Quick update -

I'm now out of the hospital. The doc said I had congestive heart failure - big scare for me. I'll need a few days to get settled back in and get up with MacroLass. I will most likely do a double update in August to make up for July.

Thanks for the responses. :)

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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby MacroLass » July 27th, 2013, 9:37 am

Don't rush things...take it easy till you're feeling a bit better. Besides, that gives you more time to work on your rendering! ;)
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby madcurse » July 29th, 2013, 7:58 pm

Yikes... :o I didn't know. I hope you're feeling better . MacroLass is right take it easy. Health is always first . :)
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby dumbtime » August 16th, 2013, 8:12 am

Hey guys,

Quick update - been trying to take it easy and get my meds straightened out. Some of them had annoying side effects. I haven't had a chance to bare down and finish anything to get into MacroLass's hands yet. Bare with me. I'll get it done soon. Thanks again for the well wishings.

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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby mitru » August 16th, 2013, 3:23 pm

Even some of us like your work and we're eager to see new updates from you. I think your health is more important, as Macrolass says... Take it easy, we'll be here when you let better.

Hugs from your spanish work mate.
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby dumbtime » October 19th, 2013, 6:32 am

Quick update -

From everyone's posts, I took your advice and laid low for a bit. With the recent health issues, my family has been more involved with my time so it curtailed my rendering. So far, the meds, the new diet and more exercise are doing the trick with my health. I'm actually looking better than I have in years but, that ain't saying much. lol

With that being said, My time is starting to come back to me so I'm aiming for the new Freedom Girl update, 'The Plan,' that was postponed for the summer to be post in my normal time slot for November (3rd Saturday). Cross your fingers on this one.

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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby mitru » October 19th, 2013, 4:07 pm

I'm happy to read those news, it's good to see how you're getting better.
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby madcurse » October 20th, 2013, 1:15 pm

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better.. :D
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Re: Freedom Girl in Simple Shorts: The Plan (Sequel to The T

Postby NoneNeeded » February 22nd, 2014, 6:28 pm

madcurse wrote:I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better.. :D

Been a while and just wanted to say I hope all is still on the right path.

I'm still hoping that this story will arrive sometime but health and family come first.
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