The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby kakyo001 » September 11th, 2012, 9:31 am

Tecknophyle wrote:Once again, I thank the readers, and especially those who have commented, on my little project (which somehow expanded when I wasn't looking).

I'm following an artist on deviantart with a similar problem... he created some fetish-pictures and was quite lazy with the character design and reused his existing characters over and over again until he was asked if there's a story to them (there wasn't until that point)

but later on he got into the mood to create a small backstory for his two main characters and had planned to create "a few funny strips"...

right now he's at strip 53 with 18 more not yet in cronological order, dozens of teaser images and even more strips in the making...

his little project got a life of its own too :)
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Tecknophyle » September 13th, 2012, 10:34 pm

Rudy finally finds out the truth about his power, Albert Dennings discovers what's been happening without his knowledge, and the confrontation between Rudy and Lorenzo takes place with deadly results.

Episode 11, the penultimate episode of Master of His Domain is at ... emId=55025.

As I mentioned last week this is a sizable issue as I've had to push to finish the story this month, which will conclude next week with Episode 12. The reason for this is that I've recently accepted a position as staff member here at MCComix, with a new series premiering in October and I will have previews and information about this new series shortly. Once again, I thank the readers for supporting this project, and I hope you enjoy the final two episodes.
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby NoneNeeded » September 15th, 2012, 8:14 am

Another great episode. Good to know that Rudy's power seems to cancel out Lorenzo's. Now if the Alphas can just pledge to be his slaves, he may have a chance. I suspect one at least would be more than willing.

Hard to imagine you wrapping this up in one though. Maybe getting it to a temporary resolution with more stories to come. At least that would be my hope. I could see this growing into a multi-character/concurrent storyline universe without much trouble.

Just a thought: I remember(whether it happened or not) that Rudy needed someone to consent to be his without HIS power influencing them for it to work. If that is the case, would it count if Carrie manipulated them to want it like she sort of did with O'Meara? Or if one of the Alphas was going to kill them unless they consented and meant it? Presented with the choice of death and slavery, someone might accept anything. He could easily test that if they were off his property by trying to make some physical change.

I have really been enjoying this. And coming so soon after I asked for more variety. I wish was granted!
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Tecknophyle » September 15th, 2012, 9:39 am

NoneNeeded wrote:Just a thought: I remember(whether it happened or not) that Rudy needed someone to consent to be his without HIS power influencing them for it to work. If that is the case, would it count if Carrie manipulated them to want it like she sort of did with O'Meara? Or if one of the Alphas was going to kill them unless they consented and meant it? Presented with the choice of death and slavery, someone might accept anything. He could easily test that if they were off his property by trying to make some physical change.

He needs consent for it to be permanent, otherwise anything he's done to them (except death, one imagines) ends as soon as they leave his property. This was brought up in Episode 5, when he cures Carol's cancer and makes her younger, but didn't want to go further than that resulting in her complaint that she was faced with either staying on the property and living, or leaving it and going back the way she was and dying.
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Adon » September 15th, 2012, 7:14 pm

Well, the first part was exposition, needed but what can you do? I will go on record in wondering if these benevolent 'aliens' have an agenda they haven't mentioned. Mostly because you've been working hard to keep motivations believable, so I dunno... having superior beings who just want to help strikes me as a little fishy. Superman is unique in that regard, and a lot of it is because he was raised as a farmboy by good people. I'm not saying they're evil or even that they don't mean well in the end... just that I'm wondering what they get out of all of this.

It's interesting seeing the contrast between Lorenzo and Dennings. Lorenzo fancies himself a chessmaster, but this chapter and the previous one show he's basically a jumped up thug who isn't stupid, but gets pretty handily outmaneuvered by people smarter than him. That isn't to say he isn't less dangerous for it... he clearly resents anyone who proves to be smarter than him and he has the ability to destroy them.

Well, if the Alphas didn't already hate Lorenzo before, they sure as hell do now. They are only loyal to him because they have to be... and they're already clear that they will exploit the specific wordings of his orders as much as they can get away with. That he casually shoots one because she wasn't psychic and understandably wanted to keep a low profile? Now they are definitely going to be working overtime in trying to undermine him... their loyalty to him is imposed, but their loyalty to each other is genuine. Especially sad and telling is that he still doesn't realize that they might have adopted names for themselves and that he considers them all to be replaceable clones. Nobody likes to be just a number. Interestingly, that was actually the key to brainwashing in a story I read once, where the victims were basically 'programmed' to only refer to themselves by a designation, A-1, A-2, and so on. If they tried to say their own names, or write them, it always came out as the number instead. The trick was that while it was very frustrating to them, there was nothing they could do about it and became resigned to it... and somewhere along the way their numbers replaced their names in their heads. One of several tactics used to break down their identities, but that one stuck out.

And it makes me very glad Lorenzo uses brute force style of control, because if he was able to make them truly loyal, he'd be much, MUCH more dangerous.

This irrelevant tangent is brought to you by the letter A and number 1. :)
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Tecknophyle » September 15th, 2012, 7:53 pm

Adon wrote:Well, the first part was exposition, needed but what can you do? I will go on record in wondering if these benevolent 'aliens' have an agenda they haven't mentioned. Mostly because you've been working hard to keep motivations believable, so I dunno... having superior beings who just want to help strikes me as a little fishy. Superman is unique in that regard, and a lot of it is because he was raised as a farmboy by good people. I'm not saying they're evil or even that they don't mean well in the end... just that I'm wondering what they get out of all of this.

Look at it this way: during the Cold War (and still, in some cases), various superpowers supplied people in other nations with weapons, which the people in said nations accepted gratefully because they had someone on their side. The superpower in question didn't necessarily give a crap about what the people they were supporting wanted, it was who they were opposed to and fighting that was critical. So the USSR cheerfully supported nations that were in no way Communist, so long as they were causing trouble for the West. Similarly, the US supported nations that weren't exactly what you'd call beacons of freedom, just as long as they were fighting Communists. Or, in many cases, you'd have the US supporting a side that had no interest in freedom and democracy but only because they were fighting a side that the USSR supported even if that side had no interest in communism, or anything that the USSR claimed to support.

Way back in Episode 3, you'll note that Athyena was rather cold and callous toward Ginny and dismissive toward humanity except as tools. The one met in Episode 11 was a lot more friendlier, but she was a self-admitted simulation. If you want the analogy, the first one was a strategic planner in the Washington or Moscow coldly discussing how they could use the yokels in some backwater in their global fight against the other superpower, while the memory was the friendly CIA or KGB agent sent to liaise with said yokels and assure them that their close personal friends in Washington or Moscow were deeply concerned about their struggle and shared their values. In other words, she's telling Rudy exactly what he needs to know. But even then, she was blunt enough to inform Rudy that he was, ultimately, expendable. So not exactly benevolent.
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Tecknophyle » September 15th, 2012, 8:10 pm

Adon wrote:Especially sad and telling is that he still doesn't realize that they might have adopted names for themselves and that he considers them all to be replaceable clones.

The interesting part is, that's how I initially considered them: they were simply skilled (albeit attractive) mooks. When I started episode 4, their models didn't have names, just A-1. A-2, and so on. It was after I completed the attack on the yacht, and had the interplay between them, that they grew personalities. The episode in the pool room, which initially was merely to reinforce the notion that Lorenzo was an ass, gave them personalities for me. Abigail was the normally unflappable leader who suddenly faced what had happened to her and was shaken by it, April was the supportive subordinate, Anastasia was the Russian one, Audrey was the boisterous Brit (and cheap drunk), and Alyson was in a relationship with Anastasia.

Now, I can tell you their histories and specialties, and who is in a relationship with who. of all the characters, they're the ones who really grew on me.
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby NoneNeeded » September 17th, 2012, 3:08 pm

Tecknophyle wrote:
NoneNeeded wrote:Just a thought: I remember(whether it happened or not) that Rudy needed someone to consent to be his without HIS power influencing them for it to work. If that is the case, would it count if Carrie manipulated them to want it like she sort of did with O'Meara? Or if one of the Alphas was going to kill them unless they consented and meant it? Presented with the choice of death and slavery, someone might accept anything. He could easily test that if they were off his property by trying to make some physical change.

He needs consent for it to be permanent, otherwise anything he's done to them (except death, one imagines) ends as soon as they leave his property. This was brought up in Episode 5, when he cures Carol's cancer and makes her younger, but didn't want to go further than that resulting in her complaint that she was faced with either staying on the property and living, or leaving it and going back the way she was and dying.

Sorry, I was sloppy in my phrasing. What I was trying to determine was what amount of 'consent' was required for Rudy to claim someone as his property. He could simply make a person WANT to be his property and consent to being his while the person was on his property. It seemed like that was TOO easy a solution. Once someone is in his house( or the house of someone he owns), they could be his forever. So I figured that that sort of consent was NOT enough.

But then I wondered what would be enough.

Carol could find the persons weak points and convince then to want it using her improved understanding and 'powers of persuasion'. Would that be OK? Or would an acceptance of slavery over the THREAT of being put to death be a considered truly 'consent''? That is close to what Carol experienced. At what point would someone become Rudy's Property?

Wonderful idea since it is not obvious how it can be used to fullest.
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Tecknophyle » September 17th, 2012, 5:19 pm

NoneNeeded wrote:Sorry, I was sloppy in my phrasing. What I was trying to determine was what amount of 'consent' was required for Rudy to claim someone as his property. He could simply make a person WANT to be his property and consent to being his while the person was on his property. It seemed like that was TOO easy a solution. Once someone is in his house( or the house of someone he owns), they could be his forever. So I figured that that sort of consent was NOT enough.

That would be correct. In the post I did a few weeks back concerning powers, that was one scenario I said he explicitly couldn't do.

Carol could find the persons weak points and convince then to want it using her improved understanding and 'powers of persuasion'. Would that be OK? Or would an acceptance of slavery over the THREAT of being put to death be a considered truly 'consent''? That is close to what Carol experienced. At what point would someone become Rudy's Property?

Wonderful idea since it is not obvious how it can be used to fullest.

One part of the story that I was originally planning on doing was Carol and Ginny doing just that: you saw the setup in the same episode where Carol informed them of her terminal cancer, when they were discussing new employees at the clinic, and Ginny's trying to convince him when talking about contracts and the like. I decided to leave it out (even though I had characters prepared) for several reasons. The first and foremost was that Rudy wasn't stupid: he'd realize something was up the more people came under his control, especially if they were cheerfully willing to sleep with him. The second reason is that it really didn't add anything to the plot that was actually important. The third reason was that Rudy would have been royally pissed, and I couldn't see any way he could salvage his trust after that, and it would make him even more determined not to use his powers, which isn't where I wanted to go.

That bit is actually left over from a story I had planned, oh, must be two or three years ago now where the Rudy character was planned to be a bad guy. That aborted story influenced the earlier parts of this story before I decided that I wanted Rudy to be a truly honorable and good man. That meant I had to rein in Carol and Ginny.

But, getting back to it, Rudy has to be convinced that the choice is truly theirs, or at least that he wasn't forcing them into it. So he'd be able to rationalize it if he wasn't the one causing the threat, or if he didn't know they were being coerced or manipulated. He would not, however, be very happy once he found out.
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby NoneNeeded » September 18th, 2012, 10:50 am

Tecknophyle wrote:But, getting back to it, Rudy has to be convinced that the choice is truly theirs, or at least that he wasn't forcing them into it. So he'd be able to rationalize it if he wasn't the one causing the threat, or if he didn't know they were being coerced or manipulated. He would not, however, be very happy once he found out.

<Sorry to drag out this perilously pedantic posts. But this idea of consenting to giving up dissent is terribly torturous.>

Odd rule in my mind. So if you TRICKED Rudy into thinking the person consented, even if they did not, he would get control? Or are BOTH conditions required to pass? Person actually acknowledges they choice(even if they don't really mean it) and Rudy accepts its truth.

But I would think the both the examples I gave could easily be seen as a choice. Though, I now think the second(Slavery or Death) would be easier to to rationalize. At least if you were willing to follow through. Rudy would have decided that Lorenzo cannot be allowed to live as he is. That leaves only two options: death and some form of control. Rudy would have narrowed the options but if he leaves the choice to Lorenzo, it is a choice. Certainly more than he gave that Lawyer at the start.

On the first, if Carol and Ginny needed to deceive Rudy for him to accept it, I can see it would ruin their relationship and possibly more. But if they could convince him that deep down, it was what the person wanted and/or needed I can see it working.

I am sort of hoping that A-1 works out that something is up with Rudy and ends up begging him to accept her(and possibly the others) so that she can be free. This will put Rudy in the bind of deciding whether it is better to let someone be a slave to evil or to himself(and his fear of becoming what he fears). I've always been a fan of justice winning out and letting her be the one to gouge out his eyes what ever else you want to do to him. Seems it will have to be death eventually since he has someone available and in his power to could heal pretty much anything.

But no matter how confusing the control rules may be to me, this has been one of the most original and entertaining stories on the site this year. Thanks!
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby NoneNeeded » September 19th, 2012, 3:44 pm

<Yes, I am becoming OBSESSED with the rules of this universe! Like I said, it is one of my favorites.>

Third limit (which hasn't shown yet, but will play a significant role) is that Rudy can't change people outside his physical property, including himself. While he can change them (as he did Carol, himself, and Ginny), his ability to do so is tied to a location, his place of power, as it were. I suppose a reasonable analogy from Metrobay would be Preston Prescott/Adonis; either can change into the other for however long they want, but can only do it with their transformation booth, so their ability to change is tied to a specific location. Again, limits. Rudy can't simply adapt to a situation when he or the others are roaming around outside his property, and it's therefore possible to beat him, even kill him as easily as you could kill anyone else, if you can catch him in that sort of situation.

But he can change his property anywhere he wants, correct? So he could transform his clothes into bullet-proof armor. Or his car into a jet. Or maybe his wedding ring into a small nuclear bomb. And he could make Ginny some sort of super Martial Artist/Ninja/Cyborg to act as body guard. And I would think one of the first things I would equip myself with was Brainiac 5's force field belt. ANd a car from that Larry Niven Short "Safe at any Speed". And some sort of super sticky super fluid that I could throw at baddies to surround and subdue. Even trying to restrain his powers, they seem pretty nearly limitless in the hands of an imaginative and well-read comic/sci-fi geek.

He doesn't seem to be constrained by conservation of mass or energy issues or even knowing what it is he is creating. I doubt he knew the chemical formula for a mind control drug for Carol or the detailed molecular composition of body tissue for Ginny's sexy upgrade. He just had to imagine it.

For that matter, if he stood someone up while standing in a pair or Rudy's shoes, The person would be ON RUDY'S PROPERTY and subject to modification as long as they were at least standing in them.

And there was another description in the original offer. The rule was that "The limits are your imagination, so long as you own it and someone else recognizes your ownership." So anytime Rudy and ANYONE else agree that something is his, he controls it. Not sure if a 'bank account' constitutes property. But if he and the someone else agree that an account is 'his' he might be able to simply increase the balance on demand.

And add making someone suffer some sort of pleasure/emotional overload while in his house. Once they leave, nothing would every give than that same feeling. They would never feel the same level of pleasure and joy unless they accepted him as their owner. The Alien was specific that "... They remember as much or as little as you wish". So they are left with a the memory of complete rapture and know that only he can give it to them.

It will be fun seeing him think of some things that stretch the limits of his power.
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby NoneNeeded » September 20th, 2012, 5:01 pm

Putting aside my obsession for a bit.

Seeing as the concluding issue is due tomorrow, I wanted to ask if MoHD:2 Neo-Genesis is really in the works or was just a concept at this point.

I, for one, would REALLY LIKE to see more of these guys and your work.

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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Tecknophyle » September 20th, 2012, 6:59 pm

NoneNeeded wrote:But he can change his property anywhere he wants, correct? So he could transform his clothes into bullet-proof armor. Or his car into a jet. Or maybe his wedding ring into a small nuclear bomb. And he could make Ginny some sort of super Martial Artist/Ninja/Cyborg to act as body guard. And I would think one of the first things I would equip myself with was Brainiac 5's force field belt. ANd a car from that Larry Niven Short "Safe at any Speed". And some sort of super sticky super fluid that I could throw at baddies to surround and subdue. Even trying to restrain his powers, they seem pretty nearly limitless in the hands of an imaginative and well-read comic/sci-fi geek.

Unless another well-read sf/comic geek is actively limiting them. Which I am.

Okay, expanding on my previous rules (and it plays a role in Episode 12):

To use his car as an example, while he could, for instance, change his or someone else's appearance or whatever, it would have to happen inside the car, and he can't change the car itself, only the things inside it. He could change the car, but only if it were, itself, on a piece of land (or in a garage or whatever) that was his. That's the way it works. Mainly because I said so.

More rules: he doesn't have to be physically present on his own property in order to affect something else on it. For instance, were, say, Carrie injured in a car accident while he was on a business trip to Denver, if she could make it to his property in Trevayne and Rudy informed, he could heal her injuries even though he was a couple of states over. But he'd have to actively do it: he couldn't set up a generic "Heal friends" rule or something similar that would work automatically.

Way back in episode 5, Ginny was explaining to Rudy that he couldn't simple make someone a brilliant surgeon (for example): they had to have the basic skills already, which Rudy's power could then enhance, possibly to superhuman levels. He can't create them out of whole cloth. Carrie was already talented at psychology and reading people,Rudy's abilities enhanced it considerably. Ginny hasn't shown any evidence of knowing martial arts, so he can't make her a super martial artist. Think of Rudy's power as a performance-enhancing drug: a baseball player might use it to become a more powerful hitter, but it isn't going to help someone with no hand-eye coordination who can't hit a ball to begin with. The skills have to be there already.

Another rule: while Rudy can create a force-field belt on his property (because he can do anything on his property), the amount of superhuman things that will work off his property is limited unless he can come up with a way to make it work that could, theoretically, work in the real world. So unless he could come up with some mechanism how it could plausibly work, it won't work. The drug Carrie used is plausible: there might not be a specific drug that could do exactly what it did to George and O'Meara, but the idea such a drug could really exist is entirely plausible, and thus, for Rudy, possible. A drug that could give someone Superman's powers to fly, however, simply isn't plausible so he can't do it.

This also effects the things that Rudy could produce and carry with him (or give to someone else). The gold statue he created in Episode 2 would simply disappear if someone tried to carry it off the property, because there's no plausible way for gold to simply appear out of thin air in the middle of a bedroom. However, he could create a machine that extracted the gold in seawater and then fabricated a statue, which could then be carried away, because the gold actually did come from somewhere.

Going back the forcefield belt, the only way it would work is if Rudy could engineer a machine which would itself create the forcefield belt from materials which he could draw from the "real" world. So while he might be able to come up with the idea of a belt that, say, used a negative energy field to create a zone of gravitational distortion which would act as a shield, it's useless unless he could figure out a way to create and manipulate negative energy that would theoretically be able to work without using his power. And since no one has any idea how to do that, well, he's out of luck.

To put it simply, Rudy's restriction for doing something, or creating something, that will work outside a physical piece of property (and no, his shoes and clothes don't count Because I Said So) is that that he can only do or create things that someone could theoretically produce, even it required serious advances in materials or scientific knowledge, without his power.

A sudden analogy springs to mind: within Rudy's boundaries, he's basically on the holodeck of a Starfleet ship. What he can do is subject only to his imagination. But that ends once he steps past the holodeck door, and the only things that he can bring with him are the things that the ship's replicator could create. It can produce a cup of tea, or a phaser, or a simply rock, then the holodeck's replicator could do the same and he could carry it out. But the replicator can't create a living organism, and the holodeck only creates simulations of them, so he can't bring one out because it has no existence otherwise.

Now, these are his limitations. Which leads to the interesting observation that, in many ways, Lorenzo and Orchid, even with the restrictions I gave them, are more powerful in some circumstances because their powers work anywhere and aren't limited to reality as much as Rudy's.
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Champ » September 20th, 2012, 7:13 pm

NoneNeeded wrote:Putting aside my obsession for a bit.

Seeing as the concluding issue is due tomorrow, I wanted to ask if MoHD:2 Neo-Genesis is really in the works or was just a concept at this point.

I, for one, would REALLY LIKE to see more of these guys and your work.


Rumor of a series? Awesome!
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Re: The Master of His Domain announcement and comments

Postby Tecknophyle » September 20th, 2012, 11:06 pm

The confrontation between Rudy and Lorenzo comes to its inevitable conclusion and lives are changed forever, and people learn that life doesn't always provide you neat, happy endings.

The final, extra length episode of Master of His Domain is now available at ... emId=55638

I'd like to thank the people who hopped on board for this ride and the kind, insightful, and supportive comments they've made.

Is this truly the end? You'll have to read it to find out.
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