Omega Unit: Origins - T'was the Night Before...

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Omega Unit: Origins - T'was the Night Before...

Postby FirstBorn » December 23rd, 2011, 7:18 pm

Hello again everyone! I hope the holiday season is treating you well and not *completely* depleting your pocketbooks. Oh, & I hope you enjoy whatever holiday you chose to observe.

On the subject of observing a holiday, I have uploaded a "teaser" chapter of an Omega Unit story to the free section.

T'was the Night Before... an Omega Unit Holiday Special
Synopsis: You have been cordially invited to... And so the evening begins the night before Christmas Eve. The Omega Unit takes their job very seriously and those who work hard deserve to play hard as well. The party went well, with everyone present enjoying themselves well into the evening. But as everyone knows there are those that go to bed, and those that put the party to bed instead. On this particular occasion we find DayStar and the bartender of the After Hours as the last remaining attendants as the bar "officially" closes. What better time to reminisce about old times than when partially inebriated at a work party, right? But something is just a little off on this particular evening, can you spot it?

The story is found here:

This is an introduction to DayStar, a founding member of the Omega Unit. It also serves as a nice lead in to the first story officially posted on the Members side of McComix. Want to know what's coming next for DayStar? Join me on the other side and lets find out!

Preview of the upcoming Omega Unit series:

McComix Exclusive material! I hope you all enjoy!
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Re: Omega Unit: Origins - T'was the Night Before...

Postby leto17 » December 23rd, 2011, 7:25 pm

I liked itl! That was a cute and sexy Merry Christmas!;)
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Re: Omega Unit: Origins - T'was the Night Before...

Postby FirstBorn » December 26th, 2011, 3:23 pm

leto17 wrote:I liked itl! That was a cute and sexy Merry Christmas!;)

Thanks! Posted it right before I left for vacation, so this is a nice surprise to come home to. I hope you enjoy the upcoming story as well!
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Re: Omega Unit: Origins - T'was the Night Before...

Postby Hector2 » January 7th, 2012, 9:53 am

Dear Firstborn:

I loved the story and I really want to know more about the characters, but I’m also full of questions.
First the things I loved:

The story of the Elemental who found home in Mercury is very heartwarming, and ideal to be told at Christmas. It shows that DayStar is a truly heroine and not an anti-heroine or bad girl that shows a lot in comics.

Sharon has a point in page 15, really it wasn’t necessary for DayStar to get her nude, only to take those headphones, also in page 16, DeepFreeze could have froze Sharon, but why did he take her clothes? Isn’t a little overzealous? I don’t think she could be any more warm with them.

The page 20 is truly a poignant vignette. I’m almost sure this scene is ripped from real life. You get too drunk in the office Christmas Party, and all the other people have already gone, and there you are with that significant partner… and then you hear, (or say!) some little words that show you a new significance to the relationship (“May I kiss you?”. DayStar seems very troubled by this revelation, and
I’m sure Sharon will have a real hangover when she wakes up next day.

The last page of the villain (he seems obviously evil, those fangs, the red eyes, the blue skin and referring to our heroines as “mortals”) so I am anxious to see next issue.

About the questions:

First of all: Who is Sharon? I cannot see her character in your Promo & Pinups.

Who is DayStar referring to as “Ms. Damsel-in-Distress” at page 04? Could it be Sharon?

And who is Sharon referring to as “Ms. Super Scent” at page 18? (I really felt that I am missing the joke here and it’s all my fault).

Has the Conjurer had a crush on Sharon?

Could you show us who is Deep Freeze ( I hope he looks as Otto Preminger Mr. Freeze or the Governator Mr. Freeze, from the Batman series)

Is DayStar based[/list] on DC Power Girl? They could go to the same super tailor.

Thanks for everything!

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Re: Omega Unit: Origins - T'was the Night Before...

Postby FirstBorn » January 8th, 2012, 12:35 pm

Hector2 wrote:Dear Firstborn:
I loved the story and I really want to know more about the characters, but I’m also full of questions.

-- Thanks Hector2! I appreciate the feedback and I'll do my best to satisfy your questions below.

Hector2 wrote:The story of the Elemental who found home in Mercury is very heartwarming, and ideal to be told at Christmas. It shows that DayStar is a truly heroine and not an anti-heroine or bad girl that shows a lot in comics.

-- That she is. There are obvious allusions to major comic book characters that I'm pulling from in the DayStar character. She is a real "Girlscout" if you will. I'm glad you got that impression loud and clear as it will make what happens next to our heroine that much more fun.

Hector2 wrote:Sharon has a point in page 15, really it wasn’t necessary for DayStar to get her nude, only to take those headphones, also in page 16, DeepFreeze could have froze Sharon, but why did he take her clothes? Isn’t a little overzealous? I don’t think she could be any more warm with them.

-- That is exactly the point, actually. As much as Sharon is poking fun at her friend over the incidence my intention was to try and make it obvious that DayStar *was* being more than just chivalrous. She does have feelings for Sharon, but just doesn't know how to properly express them. She is an alien after all, and all this human emotion/relationship stuff is a bit foreign to her.

Hector2 wrote:The page 20 is truly a poignant vignette. I’m almost sure this scene is ripped from real life. You get too drunk in the office Christmas Party, and all the other people have already gone, and there you are with that significant partner… and then you hear, (or say!) some little words that show you a new significance to the relationship (“May I kiss you?”. DayStar seems very troubled by this revelation, and I’m sure Sharon will have a real hangover when she wakes up next day.

-- To be honest, as much fun as the rest of that intro was, it was all just an excuse for that page. I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to quickly build a basis for a relationship for these two characters moving into the FallenStar storyline. -- Which is now up and running as well. Can't wait to see what you think of that one.

Hector2 wrote:About the questions:
    1) First of all: Who is Sharon? I cannot see her character in your Promo & Pinups.
    2) Who is DayStar referring to as “Ms. Damsel-in-Distress” at page 04? Could it be Sharon?
    3) And who is Sharon referring to as “Ms. Super Scent” at page 18? (I really felt that I am missing the joke here and it’s all my fault).
    4) Has the Conjurer had a crush on Sharon?
    5) Could you show us who is Deep Freeze ( I hope he looks as Otto Preminger Mr. Freeze or the Governator Mr. Freeze, from the Batman series)
    6) Is DayStar based on DC Power Girl? They could go to the same super tailor.

-- Lets see here...

1) Sharon is the bartender at the bar "around the corner" from the Omega Unit head quarters. She is also, as we see in that story, someone who frequently gets into trouble and has to be rescued by DayStar, among others. She's not on my promo pages because she is not a member of the O.U. and I didn't want to give TOO much away until after the FallenStar storyline is complete.

2) That one's easy. She's referring to none other than Sharon herself. A nick-name she coined "in the moment" given the subsequent series of rescues that were required; thus, “Ms. Damsel-in-Distress”.

3) Yes, you missed something. Allow me to elucidate. DayStar was vibrating to warm Sharon up. She's holding on to her rather tighly for the friction to do its job (that's the reason she was naked, btw- works better against her skin than against cold clothing). Now... All that warmth and vibration did more than warm her up- it also turned her on. Big time. And given that DayStar has super senses (including SCENT), it would have been hard for her to miss that new, sweet, and yet pungent characteristic odor on the air. Of course, we could chalk that up to DayStar not being the most experienced heroine in that arena.

4) The Conjuror was using Sharon as a way to get back at DayStar. If I'm ever at a loss for story's to tell (not likely) I may go back and do more prequels to fill in those stories.

5) Deep Freeze may actually make an appearance, yes. But not for a while yet. I don't have the army of artists working on stories in my world to really explore all the possibilities.

6) And yes, there DOES seem to be some similarity among their outfits doesn't there. Of course any similarity to characters real or fictional is entirely coincidental. ;)

I hope that clears a few things up for you Hector, and thanks for taking the time to ask them! Feedback and comments are the fuel that keep our creative juices flowing.

Enjoy the FallenStar series I just posted- it picks up with these two characters almost from where the Holiday post leaves off. TTFN, Ta ta for now!
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