Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

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Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » October 3rd, 2014, 11:59 am

And hello everyone! I'm happy to reveal the opening chapter of Through the Looking Glass.

It is available here.

"We have the opening of a grand fantasy but with a dark and sinister twist. The Queen of a human Kingdom is being visited by an Elven emissary with ill news. It would seem that someone has been attacking their groups and innocents, virgins, are being spirited away. But it seems the elves do not trust the good Queen. Perhaps they sense a similar darkness around them. For whatever reason they do not reveal their secrets- not to the Queen in any case. The princess, her daughter- is another story. Ennara, one of the elves, seems to have a history with the Princess and she uses that to get information the Queen was unwilling to provide. What has happened to the captured elves? Why are virgins so important? So many questions and we have only just begun to gaze... Through the Looking Glass."

Just a taste to get things started. More to come next month. Enjoy!
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby pelusa1ca » October 4th, 2014, 7:32 am

Curious how this one will turn out. I like what I see so far.

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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » October 5th, 2014, 9:06 am

pelusa1ca wrote:Curious how this one will turn out. I like what I see so far.


-- Glad you liked it. Admittedly, there wasn't as much in the first chapter as I thought there would be but at least I got to hint at a few things. The next chapter will still have some exposition but it'll have a bit more of "teh sexah" as well.

Stay tuned!
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby Reinhardt » October 19th, 2014, 7:05 am

Interesting. A fantasy concept this time. Not many replies so far, but that could change as the action sets into motion.
(Also noticed that there will be an epilogue of Queen's Reign. It's hard to say if it will deal with the old or the new queen, but it's possible the outcome would be the same. Could the sleeping girl be one of the few without a cranial phone?)
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » November 7th, 2014, 10:59 pm

Hello again everyone! I'm happy to reveal the next chapter of Through the Looking Glass now live in the members area!

It is available here.

"It seems the Elven Queen has been captured and is being held hostage in a rather nefarious looking dungeon. But don't worry, the Magus we are going to soon get to know so much better is there keeping her company. And not just him, it seems he has an... elf(?) there with him as well. Whatever he plans to do- it seems giving the dark skinned elf a good fucking is an integral part of his plans. But what is going to happen to the beautiful Queen? So many questions and we have only just begun to gaze... Through the Looking Glass."


Reinhardt wrote:Interesting. A fantasy concept this time. Not many replies so far, but that could change as the action sets into motion.

-- Indeed. Not much to go on when a new series starts. At least not until you start getting into some meat to sink your teeth into.

Hopefully this chapter starts to pose a few questions and answer a few that might have begun to form from the previous chapter.

As you can see- magic is alive and well in this world. And it seems it is powered by SEX. Lots of good potential there... Enjoy!
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby Reinhardt » November 16th, 2014, 3:18 pm

It's moving in the right direction. Good to see they enjoy their assimilation (if that's the right word to use in fantasy).
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » November 18th, 2014, 7:54 am

Reinhardt wrote:It's moving in the right direction. Good to see they enjoy their assimilation (if that's the right word to use in fantasy).

*Stuck up prim and propper voice a' la the professor from Gilligan's Island* "Aaah- the correct word to use here would be corruption. Hm, yes. Corruption."
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » December 6th, 2014, 12:27 am

Hello again everyone! I'm happy to reveal the next chapter of Through the Looking Glass, now live in the members area!

It is available here.

"The poor Elven Queen has become the victim of an insidious spell. Driven to the edge of her wits with lust and need she is ready to give herself to the Magus just to cool the ever-growing heat between her thighs. But why is he so concerned with her giving herself of her own free will? What could he hope to gain from taking her maidenhood? And what will happen to her when she does? So many questions and we have only just begun to gaze... Through the Looking Glass."

Enjoy! I know this is taking a bit to get off the ground- but trust me- its going somewhere. I hope you enjoy the ride along the way!
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby Champ » December 7th, 2014, 7:34 pm

Im falling in love with how the story began. Im excited and await the next chapter and the rest of this story beyond!
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » December 8th, 2014, 1:42 pm

Champ wrote:I'm falling in love with how the story began. I'm excited and await the next chapter and the rest of this story beyond!

-- Thanks! As always, I appreciate the feedback.
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » January 2nd, 2015, 4:56 pm

Just a not to let everyone know: TtLG is taking a "Winter Break" for January. It will return at its usual time (first Friday of the month) in February.

I have posted the chapter cover in the preview section and I'll be posting some character sketches in the Free section as well. I hope that keeps everyone's appetite wet and ready.

The Prologue is over. Time for the REAL story to being. <steeples fingers>
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby Champ » January 19th, 2015, 8:19 pm

Finally back after a mini hiatus. Sorry that January is a break for this comic. Just finally realized its a prologue even though it says that plainly on the cover, lol. So excited to know what the next chapter is going to bring. I can't wait to read it! :)
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » January 27th, 2015, 6:36 pm

Champ wrote:Finally back after a mini hiatus. Sorry that January is a break for this comic. Just finally realized its a prologue even though it says that plainly on the cover, lol. So excited to know what the next chapter is going to bring. I can't wait to read it! :)

-- Oh, just introducing the main protagonist of the story, that's all. No big deal. ;) And- in case anyone is watching- the cover for the March 6 update is already live as well. I wonder what this could mean!!
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Re: Through the Looking Glass: Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » February 6th, 2015, 1:16 pm

Hello again everyone! I'm happy to reveal the next chapter of "Through the Looking Glass", now live in the members area!

It is available HERE.

"JD... has laundry to do. So whatcha gonna do? You go do your laundry. And while he's busy taking care of business an old friend of his drops by wanting to know the steamy details of his last date. She was the one that set the two of them up, after all. It seems JD has been having some serious girl trouble and Sarah is just trying to help out a genuine nice guy. A nice guy who happens to share something in common with the aforementioned blind date: a bit of an interest in hypnotism. Want to know what happened as bad as Sarah? Take a look at the latest chapter of Through the Looking Glass to find out!"

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