Gorilla Woman - Captured by The Coop -Issue#17

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Gorilla Woman - Captured by The Coop -Issue#17

Postby mitru » April 7th, 2024, 1:59 am

Democratic Republic of Congo
2 pm

Sitting behind the wheel of his van...parked in a sidestreet...Daily Congo photographer JOE KINTE watched a group of rival television and newspaper journalists...photographers and cameramen...heckling two 40 year old school teachers ...JOYCE MAMFE  and VERNELLA TUPON outside the gates of Saint Benoit College...a the private upper class high school  that was in two weeks ago...when they and a group of 20 female students...all 16 years old... were being held hostage by the RASTA MILITIA in North Kivu in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

They had been on a visit to a nature park in that part of the country...when they were kidnapped.

Joe...who was 18 years old... watched as Mamfe and Tupon...both of whom were stocky and dressed badly... shrugged off the numerous questions from the journalists...and tried to shield their faces from the photographers and tv cameramen as they walked towards Mamfe's parked car.

CLICK HERE to read Gorilla Woman - Captured by The Coop -Issue#17:http://www.mccomix.com/members/gallery3/index.php/Mitru/Gorilla-Woman/Captured-by-The-Coop?page=3


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