"AAAAAAAAAARGH" groaned Black Tigress as she staggered forward and collapsed on a wooden workbench in front of her smashing it to pieces...and shattered several glass bottles that were on the bench...causing several gaseous fumes to fill the air and swirl around inside the lab
as the enraged Black Tigress charged towards the Venomous Vixen.
The two superheroines exchanged punches and kicks as the battled each other through the chemistry lab...neither of them able to gain an advantage over the other as they smashed furniture and equipment...some of the spilt chemicals...mixing and forming thick gaseous clouds that swirled around them.
"Something's different about Black Tigress!...Why is she topless?!....Why does she steel rings on her nipples?!...She's not in control of herself...Someone has her under hypnosis!...But who?!...And why?!...Why should I care?!...She's Trey's girlfriend! ...He's not my boyfriend!...I'll teach him to come back here...by beating Black Tigress...just like I did before!" thought Scorpion Woman...as the deep-seated anger that she had for her ex-boyfriend welled up in side of her...as she traded punches and kicks with Black Tigress...through the gas-filled chemistry lab.
CLICK HERE to read Scorpion Woman - Let it Snow -Issue#11:http://www.mccomix.com/members/gallery3/index.php/Mitru/Scorpion-Woman/Let-it-Snow?page=3

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