Dream Fulfillment - Part 8

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Dream Fulfillment - Part 8

Postby Northern Chill » July 15th, 2011, 1:16 pm

I was up late last night and figured to finish this part of my serial. I had planned it much longer but at the last minute, I put several elements off till the next chapter. Enjoy!

Dream Fulfillment


Northern Chill

Author's note : This is a serial based on the characters from the Metrobay Universe, created by Finister Foul and Dr. Robo at HiPComix.com and MCcomix.com. The theme of the story picks up on a panel from the story "Tough Love" found there. Given the nature of what happens during this serial, think of this happening on an alternate earth where Crissy, one of the main characters in this serial, is presented with an opportunity to fulfill a secret wish known only to one person in Metrobay. In doing so, however, things may change for others as well.

Chapter Eight - Plans develop and minds change

Ted slowly walked into Kendra's mansion and noticed there was no sign of the staff the wealthy woman usually surrounded her with. In addition, Ted noticed that his host was walking stiffly and had a different look to her from the last time he had seen her at a Metrobay centennial party.

" I have to say, Kendra, it's a lot quieter around here than I expected. I thought I'd see clients or important people waiting to see you. I'd even heard a rumor that Max Indeks was trying to persuade you to come work for APEX, " Ted remarked as he entered the sitting room and gazed at the artwork displayed there.

" Max was turned down as his offer was deemed to be insufficient. Are you interested in being with me for the rest of the day? " Kendra intoned as she suddenly grasped Ted around the neck, spun him around and kissed him firmly on the lips.

For the briefest of moments, Ted responded in kind. However, the scientist remembered the urgency and purpose to his visit and disentangled himself as quickly as he could mange. " Ummm, I think I'll have to take a rain check for now, Kendra. I have something that is really urgent that I need to talk to you about, " Ted said calmly even as he mentally noted that Kendra definitely seemed to have had some breast enhancement done recently by the way she pressed against him.

" Understood. Please take a seat and we will discuss details, " Kendra replied as she gestured towards a metal and wooden chair sitting in front of the desk that dominated the room.

" Ummm, ok. Listen, Kendra, I need to talk to you about an important matter. I have need of someone who has the money and resources to assist me in a delicate manner and isn't affiliated with Max and his ROPE assholes. Once I fill you in on all the details, do you think it'd be possible for me to count on your help with this important project? " Ted said as he took a seat and watched Kendra as she sat down behind the desk in a way that reminded him of LISA, Mechana and several other fembots/robot women from his past travels.

" I will help you, Mister Kord, but it will be to further the goals of my project, " Kendra intoned as she slid her right hand under the desktop. Moments later, restraints appeared seemingly out of nowhere and clamped down around Ted's legs, hands and upper arms.

" Hey! What's going on here? You sell out to Max and his cronies? " Ted called out as Kendra stood up and walked to the side of the desk.

" We are not affiliated with Max Indeks. We follow the plan to obey and follow another. Your thought process will be altered to make that plan advance, " Kendra intoned as she stared at the opposite wall with a blank expression on her face.

" What are you talking about, Kendra? What plan? You're not making any sense at all, " Ted said even as he tried to squirm free of his metal shackles to no avail.

" Unit. Ken. Dra. Is. Fol. Low. Ing. Her. Pro. Gramming. There. Will. Be. A. Djust. Ments. To. Your. A. Tti. Tude. To. Make. The. Plan. Fun. Ction. Bet. Ter, " Mechana intoned as the robot entered the room and proceeded to attach a silver helmet to Ted's head.

" Hey, wait, whoah, I'm not looking to become a robot man or anything like that. I like being able to think for myself and I'm not looking to be a mindless slave for anyone! " Ted said defiantly even as a small part of his mind wondered if his words were like the ones spoken by the Squad heroines as he enslaved them back in his 'dark' days.

" Your. Mind. Will. Not. Be. Al. Tered. To. That. Level. Ted. Twiss. Your. Be. Havior. Has. Been. An. A. Lyzed. And. It. Is. De. Ter. Mined. That. Minor. At. It. Tude. Cor. Rect. Ions. Are. Need. Ed. For. You. To. Acc. Ept. The. Plan. That. Will. Be. Ful. Filled, " Mechana intoned as she walked over to a nearby cabinet and extracted several pieces of computer equipment from it.

" Attitude corrections? Hey, just a second, I like my attitude like it is right now. Mechana, if you let me go, I'll run a diagnostic on your programming and see if there are any aberrations with your processing, " Ted said hoping to appeal to Mechana' logical side.

" Mech. Ana. Is. Func. Tion. Ing. Accord. Ing. To. The. Plan. She. Is. Help. Ing. To. Spread. The. Mess. Age. And. You. Will. Under. Stand. Your. Role. After. The. Adjust. Ment, " Kendra intoned and as Ted turned his head towards her, he noticed she had stepped out of her clothing completely and showed the effects of the roboticization process.

" I can help you. You don't need to do anything to my mind! Uggh, Mechana, listen to me, remember the Sentius thing? He wanted to enslave everybody in Metrobay including you! Don't, ugghh, don't do this!! " Ted yelled as he heard the machinery behind him start to hum to life and experienced the first bits of data entering his mind.

" Your. Argue. Ment. Is. Mean. Ing. Less. You. Will. Soon. See. That. The. Same. Ness. Is. What. Will. Be. Part. Of. All. Of. Metro. Bay, " Mechana intoned as she switched on another part of the machine and a computer image of Ted's head appeared on a tiny monitor.

If anybody had been walking by the area of the mansion at that time, they might have noticed several flashes of bright light in one of the windows followed by silence....

At Squad headquarters...........

" Kelly, why are you going out with your dolly doppleganger like this? Aren't you worried that somebody walking by will see you and ask questions that you don't really want to answer? " Violet, better known as Omega Woman, inquired as she looked at her buxom long time friend and robot duplicate.

" We are needed for an urgent mission elsewhere. We will discuss the matter when we talk to you soon, " Kelly, who was really LISA dressed as the busty heroine, responded in a voice that was nearly identical to the real thing.

" Ok, I guess. Hey, did you two do something with your skin or something? " Violet said begrudgingly as the two women started to walk by her before she noticed something about the skin color for both of them.

" There. Is. Nothing. Out. Of. The. Ordinary. With. Us. You. Will. Understand. Everything. When. We. Return. Violet, " LISA, who was actually a roboticized Kelly, intoned as she attempted to walk by her old friend.

" Hey, wait a second! You never talk to anybody using their real name and your speech seems off. What's going on here? " Violet said as she grabbed "LISA" and sent her spinning backwards even as the silver haired heroine turned to face Ms. Metrobay. However, Violet was stunned to see that she was staring into a pair of bare breasts that were glowing an eerie green clothes.

" You will look into the light and and forget all thoughts of questioning what is happening. You will obey the orders you are given. Acknowledge and repeat, " the real LISA intoned as the light from her thrallium powered breasts washed over Violet's face.

" I will forget all questions of what is happening. I will obey orders that are give to me, " Violet responded as her eyes took on a glowing green color and her arms hung stiffly at her side.

" You will go with us to another location. You will meet your new master there. You will serve and obey him without question, " LISA intoned as the fembot followed her programming to make sure any obstacles were dealt in accordance with her nature.

" I will go with you to another location and meet my new master there. I will serve and obey him without question, " Violet intoned even as LISA moved forward and held her chin with her right hand.

" Obeying the master is all you want to do from now on. You will be a slave to the master and feel pleasure whenever you carry out an order or command, " LISA intoned as her hand slowly moved down and caressed Violet's right breast as she spoke.

" Mmmm, yes, obeying the master is all I want to do from now on. I will be a slave to the master to the master and feel pleasure, ohhh, whenever I carry out a command or order, " Violet responded even as she trembled slightly under LISA's skillful yet delicate touch.

" Very good, slave. You will accompany us to your new home and meet your new master, " LISA intoned as she pulled the Ms. Metrobay uniform back up and over her hypnotic breasts.

" I will accompany you to my new home and meet my new master, " Violet said solemnly as the purple costumed heroine fell in line with the two buxom beauties and marched out to whatever destiny laid ahead for her.

Elsewhere in Metrobay......

" Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, where the heck are you? It's getting late and you haven't come back or answered your cell phone! Where could that man be? " Crissy intoned as she paced back and forth inside the empty shell of the scientist's lab. The brown haired woman had started out with a simple desire to become a robot woman but things had spiraled out of control for her and Crissy knew she was getting close to the point where she and Ted would have no clue where things were going to end.

" Hmmm, sounds like a car just pulled up outside. I hope it's Teddy with good news about his lab equipment and the roboticized women I've helped create, " Crissy thought as she turned towards the doorway and waited for Ted to enter. However, to the brown haired woman's shock and surprise, Crissy saw that it wasn't Ted coming through the doorway but what looked to be a trio of Squad members that walked and acted like robot women.

" Mis. Tress. This. Unit. Is. Here. To. O. Bey. Your. Com. Mands. And. To. Help. The. Plan. To. Be. Com. Ple. Ted, " the heroine known as Roller Grrl intoned as she entered the room flanked by Dare Doll and who appeared to be Snowflake. Crissy saw that Kyla was dressed in a silver and blue catsuit that was reminiscent of her time as a slaveunit for the malevolent machine Sentius. Instead of the happy go lucky, cheerful smile the cold using heroine usually had, Kyla looked dispassionate as she marched swiftly over to Crissy and grabbed her right arm firmly.

" Hey, look, can't we talk about this? I don't know what you are talking about with this...HEY??!!...what are you doing there? " Crissy sputtered in response as Dare Doll took hold of her other arm and was shocked as the two women started to remove her clothing swiftly and without a moment's hesitation.

" This. Unit. Has. Per. Form. Ed. As. A. Pleas. Ure. Unit. For. Alpha. Wo. Man. In. The. Past. And. Will. Full. Fill. That. Role. For. The. Queen, " Kyla intoned as she fell to her knees in front of Crissy and wrapped her arms around her legs. Before Crissy could do or say anything, Kyla started to gently lick at Crissy's pussy with her tongue. At the same time, Roller Grrl was gently pushing apart Crissy's legs to allow her access to Crissy's nether regions.

" OHHH...st...mmm..sto...mmmm... " Crissy gasped as part of her wanted to get away from her roboticized colleagues but this was fighting with the part that wanted the brown haired woman to stay and indulge her carnal desires.

" Come. With. Me. Cris. Sy. Tan. Ner, " a robotic voice called out before grabbing Crissy around her right forearm and dragged her towards the lab door with a haste that surprised the brown haired woman and the two women bent on pleasing her.

" Hey! Who, what, wait a second, I think I know you, " Crissy remarked as her rescuer pushed her into a waiting vehicle before taking a seat behind the wheel.

" My. Name. Is. Mona. My. Own. Er. Is. Gil. Bert. Petto. He. Com. Mand. Ed. Me. To. Re. Trieve. You. And. Bring. You. To. His. Shop, " the dark skinned fembot intoned as she drove the car back to Gilbert's business.

" Yeah, I thought I saw you dressed as some sort of elf when I walked by his shop during the holidays. Ummm, just how did you know that I was going to be at Ted's lab any ways? " Crissy responded as she realized she was buck naked in a car with a fembot driving.

" My. Own. Er. In. Struct. Ed. Me. To. Re. Trieve. You. And. Pro. Vi. Ded. Me. A. List. Of. Lo. Ca. Tions. To. In. Ves. Ti. Gate. The. Lab. Was. The. First. Place. On. The. List, " MONA replied as she skillfully drove the car down the deserted streets of Metrobay.

" Oh. I guess I was lucky, huh? " Crissy replied as she tried not to stare at the naked fembot driving her to the toy shop in question.

" I. Think. The. Term. Hu. Mans. Use. Is. Fort. U. Nate. My. Own. Er. Wants. To. Co. Mmun. I. Cate. With. You, " MONA responded as the robot continued on the destination with a naked and bewildered Crissy by her side.

Elsewhere at that time......

" This. Unit. Is. Ready. To. O. Bey. What. Is. Your. Com. Mand, ? " Kendra intoned as she stood with her arms rigidly at her sides with Mechana standing beside her moments later. The focus of Kendra's attention stood up from a nearby chair and ruffled a hand through a few strands of hair before turning and facing the two.

" Ahhh, that is music to my ears. Why don't the two of you fall to your knees and get ready for some fun while I, ummm, get ready? " Ted responded as he moved towards the two and unfastened his belt at the same time.

" I. Hear. And. I. Obey, " Kendra and Mechana both intoned as the two fell to their knees with their arms at their sides and eyes fixated on Ted.

" You know, it's been a little while since I heard that. Right now, though, it's music to my ears, " Ted remarked with a slight smile appearing on his face. Stopping in front of Kendra, Ted pulled down his zipper and released his rock hard cock in front of the roboticized woman.

" Kendra bot, begin oral pleasure program, " Ted said as he looked down at the white eyed, buxom woman.

" Your. Wish. Is. My. Com. Mand. Begin. Ning. Ser. Vice. Of. Cock, " Kendra intoned as she reached forwards and cradled Ted's cock in her hands. Following the programming in her mind, Kendra started stroking Ted's cock in a manner guaranteeing that he was already on the verge of letting loose a drops of cum from his rigid member.

" Mmmmh, yeah, you're really good at this, babe. You're almost as good as the women in the Squad and I can't wait to get reunited with them soon, " Ted said as he felt, and saw, Kendra wrap her lips around his cock and start to suck on it.

" I. Must. Suck. His. Cock. Init. I. Ate. Gag. Sup. Pression. Max. I. Mum. Pres. Sure. For. Pleas. Ure. Of. Ow. Ner, " Kendra thought as her entire mind and body was focused on pleasing Ted and complying with his every order.

" Stand. Ing. By. Wait. Ing. For. Com. Mand. From. Con. Troller, " Mechana thought as she waited patiently for Ted to finish his time with Kendra and give her an order she was more than happy to obey.

At Gilbert Petto's shop.........

" Hmmm, it's been some time since I sent MONA out on her mission. I hope she's all right. I built my dolls to be able to handle themselves but I wish I had dressed her before she left. I get so forgetful when I'm focused on other projects, " Gilbert mused to himself as he bent over and connected a wire to a machine he had been working on over the last few weeks.

" Mas. Ter. Petto. I. Have. Re. Turned. And. Wish. To. Talk. With. You. Pri. Vate. Ly, " LISA said in her usual montone way of talking.

" Huh? Ms. Metrobay? Oh, it's my LISA dressed as Ms. Metrobay. That, that means Ms. Metrobay is, hmmm, this is very strange. Yes, LISA, let's step over here and you can relate what has happening with you, " Gilbert responded as he adjusted his eyeglasses while looking at the trio of buxom beauties standing a few feet away from him.

" Yes. Mas. Ter. I. Will. Be. With. You. After. I. In. Form. My. Com. Pan. Ions. What. We. Will. Be. Doing, " LISA responded as the fembot watched Gilbert put away a few tools and make his way to the far side of his basement lab. In his curiousity as to what was going on, Gilbert didn't think of asking why LISA and Ms. Metrobay were dressed like their opposite or why the two heroines were standing at attention with nary a word spoken.

After LISA spoke in a far lower volume than normal to Kelly and Violet, the voluptuous android turned and marched stiffly to where her progenitor was waiting patiently. Just over five minutes later, the two returned with Gilbert now showing a visible green glow in his eyes. The heroines stood silently and now nude as they had removed their outfits in the interim (per LISA's instructions)

" Now, Omega Woman, if you will lie down on this table, we can start everything for today, " Gilbert intoned as he moved over to a nearby electronic console and started activating the scanning mechanism mounted above the table.

" Yes, I will do as you order, " Violet said as the silver haired heroine laid flat on the table and stared upwards with eyes devoid of independent thought and emotion.

Gilbert pushed a few more buttons as he adjusted the scanner for his latest subject involved in his work. As he watched the lights come on and the mechanism come to life, Gilbert saw what looked to be LISA kneeling in a position to his right. Reaching forward, the buxom bombshell unzipped Gilbert and freed the rapidly stiffening cock concealed within.

" Mmmm, yes. Ummm, well, we do have a few, uhhh, minutes before the scanner completes it's work. Omega Woman, remain, uhhh, perfectly still as the machine moves back and forth, " Gilbert muttered and gasped as he saw what he thought to be LISA massaging his cock to a rock hard state. In fact, it was Kelly who was skillfully massaging his cock even as she wrapped her thick, red lips around it and started to suck on it with tremendous gusto.

As for LISA, the alluring android was busy on the other side of the lab assembling a device that only she knew the ultimate purpose for. However, if LISA had her way, everyone in the room would soon learn what she was rapidly constructing and how it would affect one person in particular.

To be continued.......
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at http://nchill.deviantart.com

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
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Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

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