Calling all requests!

Got a great idea for a comic or pinup? Want to share it with our artists and writers? Write it up and post it here, and maybe someone will use it in a future MCcomix story!

Re: Calling all requests!

Postby finister » November 16th, 2009, 7:40 am

Thanks a lot for the requests!

We'll work on getting a bunch done.

Keep 'em coming - thanks for supporting MCcomix!!
Posts: 77
Joined: September 9th, 2009, 4:38 pm

Re: Calling all requests!

Postby Northern Chill » November 20th, 2009, 12:19 pm

I must be on a holiday train of's a suggestion:

- Villainess named the Easter Bunny (blonde dressed in pink bunny costume but viewed as a criminal mastermind) with two male lackeys Hip and Hop (both dress in pink and hate it but know the last guy who complained wound up boiled alive in a huge pot of scalding hot water).

- Easter Bunny shows up at heroine group HQ with a basket of easter eggs, 1 per heroine. However, these eggs are designed to not only put the heroine into a controlled state but also reveal her dark desires heretofore unrevealed (make love with another woman or fellow heroine, participate in threesome, be dominated by a man/woman, etc...)

- The Bunny and cohorts note and demonstrate these inner desires before leaving shortly thereafter. The heroines return to the normal state some time after unaware what has happened even as the Easter Bunny and her men watch some very special home movies in her lair and she comtemplates how to use this new knowledge.

Anyway, just thinking out loud....:D
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
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Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Calling all requests!

Postby mesmereyes » January 11th, 2010, 8:02 am

I came up with this a while ago anyone interested?

Panel 1

Heroine creeps through the darkness she has located the headquarters of the arch villain. Some generic heroine chatter about bringing him to

justice before she forces open the door and walks into the unknown.

Panel 2

Heroine is attacked by robots. In a series of smaller inserts ahe leves them in piles of junk before moving down a coridoor and into another


Panel 3

A metal wall slams down behind her. another blocks her route forward. Pretty hypnotic patterns appear on the walls and eerie music begins to

play. Heroine shakes her head. speech bubble about brainwashing and "not this time buddy" Reaches to her belt pulls out some sort of

jamming device. The patterns fade. She cuts a whole in the metal with a laser and moves on into the darkness.

Panel 4

Heroin is attacked by ninjas they fire tranquiliser darts at her, drop a net from above but in a series of insets she avoids the net and deflects

the darts away making them hit other ninjas before stepping over the bodies and movin on with a quip something like. "This is getting


Panel 5

Heroine is being watched on a panel of monitors. An evil voice shouts, deploy the will suppressant spheres. The man at the console replies.

"Yes Sir"

Panel 6

Still being watched on the monitors the operator reports. "will suppressant spheres neutralized sir. Some sort of disruptor pulse."

Panel 7

Heroine strides down a coridoor dispatching a series of henchmen as she goes before dusting herself off and striking a heroic pose before the

main villain. He smiles at her and asks "What kept you" The heroine replies. "I took the scenic route."

Panel 8

A battle between heroine and villain ensues and eventually the heroine stands triumphant her foot resting on the defeated villains chest.
"Admit defeat villain. I am triumphant.." The Villain smiles up at her and replies. Boring AND predictable. he presses a button on his wrist

comminicator and we see the heroines mouth opens in surprise as her eyes glaze over and she begins to fall.

Panel 9

The villain stands over the fallen heroine and begins issuing instructions. Smithers start work on upgraing the armour on those robots they

need to last longer. Kruger I told you I wanted those walls to be impervious to lasers dont let me down again and Vargas those hypnotic

patterns just ar not working fast enough yet see what you can do and will someone fire those damn Ninjas, worse then useless.

Panel 10

Heroine is strapped to a chair with lights playing across her eyes. Off screen we hear the villain say "Make the usual modifications to her

memory schedule her to return in 72 hours and this time gentlemen we will do better. Their is a chorus of yes sirs.

Panel 11

Is a virtual repeat of the first panel but set in a computer monitor. The operator says "she's here sir" the villain says "Right on time. Start the

clock on round 22 gentlemen" He then gives a lingering evil laugh.
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Joined: January 10th, 2010, 5:02 pm


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