More R.O.P.E. please

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More R.O.P.E. please

Postby sohta123 » October 15th, 2011, 9:51 pm

It'd be nice to see the use of mind control debated amongst the MetroBay community. Similar to the mutant debate in Marvel.
Of course R.O.P.E. would be all over promoting it but there should also be heroines that are not adverse to the use of mind control as long as no one gets hurt (Hypnotica for example).

I'd really, really love to see a series that is parallel to the Marvel "Days of future past". Can you imagine a MetroBay in which R.O.P.E. has ruled for years and our gallant maidens are 'justified' servants to the corporation?
What I think would separate this is that pretty much everyone is under control except for about five of the community (maybe even a new character or two). And maybe the one sent back in time would be a villainess instead of heroine - making it harder to believe/trust (that could even be a separate series, as the climax to this one could be that they did send one person back). But I'd really like to see a lot of detail in the day-to-day of what R.O.P.E would have done with everyone and their totality of their control (maybe a R.O.P.E. 'free-will hunt' or a view of the corporate clone factory).
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Re: More R.O.P.E. please

Postby Hector2 » October 18th, 2011, 10:26 pm

Hi there!

An interesting proposition sohta123, but there is something tricky: Marvel’s “Days of future past” storyline is about a future that went all wrong, destroying civilization to hunt mutants. In my view, ROPE already controls Metro Bay, and every villain can do as he / she pleases as long they recognize ROPE power. So the menace must be from someone who destroyed ROPE as an organization and thus is extraordinarily powerful, and powerful enough to not to be defeated by villains or heroines.

Another interesting take could be the Clone question. If clones are illegal (and persecuted) in today’s Metrobay, the future storyline could be when the clones are running rampant and all the paranoia there will be in the Metrobay of the future (how could you say who is “real” and who is “merely” a clone? That would scary all Metrobay, heroines and villains along) Right now McTek is exploring this theme with Galatea, and Hypnotica and Kristen could be menaced for a villain or heroine from the future who has come to the present to eliminate them because “they initiated” the clone problem.

It’s merely an idea, I’m eager to read about others

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