Where to go with a story idea and how to do it right?

Got a great idea for a comic or pinup? Want to share it with our artists and writers? Write it up and post it here, and maybe someone will use it in a future MCcomix story!

Where to go with a story idea and how to do it right?

Postby toughdude » April 26th, 2011, 2:49 pm

Hey Folks!

I'm a new subscriber, i really enjoy what you are doing here! Although i have some cool ideas for neat short stories i'd love to see. I have poser myself but i really can't manage to make something (mainly because of the lack of good models and dresses tho ;-)).
So basically my question is, if i post it here (in public) how big is the possibility it will be picked up by some of the artists?


The tough dude
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Re: Where to go with a story idea and how to do it right?

Postby Akonkid » April 26th, 2011, 3:14 pm

We've done quite a few member's requests and more than a few of our stories were suggested by our readers. There's certainly no harm in sharing your ideas, but no guarantee it'll happen. Even a good idea is dependent on who's available, interested, and willing to do it, but, again, no harm in laying it out there for us and others to hear.
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Re: Where to go with a story idea and how to do it right?

Postby Doctor Robo » April 26th, 2011, 9:02 pm

First of all, welcome aboard! Thanks for joining MCcomix!

Second, I agree 100% with Akonkid. Run your idea up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes!

- Doc
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