Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

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On a scale of 0-5, with 5 being the best, how do you rate Crissy Tanner?

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Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby Doctor Robo » June 27th, 2010, 8:52 pm

The Superheroine Squad is made up of characters who all have fantastic superpowers, but one character's powers stand out above the others: Crissy Tanner. Crissy, also known by the codename "Blackout", is unique because her particular powers actually REMOVE the special abilities of other characters. So, she can be an asset to her teammates in the heat of battle, but she can also be a hindrance if she accidentally takes powers away from the wrong side!

Knowing this, Ms. Metrobay and Alpha Woman have chosen to place Crissy in a long-term training regimen to help her control her powers and be a help to the Squad. But, just because she is usually stuck back at Squad Headquarters while her teammates fight the good fight doesn't mean she hasn't gotten herself into a heap of trouble now and then. One of her most famous adventures saw her transformed into a mindless drone by Sentius... but unlike her teammates she seems to have enjoyed it! Recently she has been on a mission to rediscover that feeling of mindless bliss, leading up to the current "Forbidden Fantasy" storyline.

So, what better time to select Crissy Tanner as our "Character Conversation"? What do YOU think about the cute cadet who has a knack for getting into trouble? Leave a comment below and let your voice be heard!

Crissy's entry on the Metrobay Universe wiki:

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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby Trishbot » July 6th, 2010, 10:39 pm


I really like Crissy. She's definitely got some of the more unique powers and potential for great good and great evil. I'll write more later when I'm not utterly exhausted, but for now I figured I'd post some feedback.
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby Northern Chill » July 7th, 2010, 2:38 pm

Ok, its no secret I'm a huge fan of Crissy in so many ways. She's beautiful, sexy and looking to indulge in a dark side many others shun. It certainly looks like Forbidden Fantasy will see an answer to her quest to be a robot woman once and for all (or not) but she certainly has entertained in the stories she has appeared in the past. Did I mention her outfit back in the Sentius is one of my all time favorites?

Naive yet sensual in so many ways, Crissy will be my favorite no matter how Forbidden turns out (though I'd like to place an order for the C.R.I.S.S.Y. and K.E.L.L.Y. dolls in advance).
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby bluemax2 » July 9th, 2010, 9:18 am

Chrissy should always be robotized. She looks much better in a tight catsuit with boots.
Its what she wants after all.


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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby cvn88 » July 9th, 2010, 2:49 pm

I've never had any strong feelings for Crissy one way or the other, and I'm not really sure why. She might actually be more interesting to me if she gets her wish and is roboticized, especially if in the process she falls into the hands of Max and friends.
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby Akonkid » July 12th, 2010, 11:15 am

I'm torn about Crissy. She's still, easily, a 5 out of 5 for me, but she's not without some flaws and only because of her enormous strengths do her rougher characteristics not seem so detrimental.

First, the good.

Crissy is gorgeous in an absolutely perfect girl-next-door type of way. From the innocent, slightly freckled face to the peppy ponytail to her more innocent and good-natured dialogue, she's absolutely the type of girl you picture living next to you that you'd enjoy having lunch with or swapping stories over a cup of coffee with.

Next, her powers. Like Rogue from X-men, she's dangerous to be around, both to friend and foe alike. Her inexperience and inability to control who she strips of their powers makes her a bit of a ticking time bomb, which I've always found fascinating. There have been times her powers have really helped her out, like when she escaped Brunhilda's assault, but Sentius also used her to capture a fair number of heroines that might otherwise have defeated him had she not been there to negate their abilities. That sort of superpowered drama only helps to make her more appealing and relatable.

Lastly, I've enjoyed just how connected she is. The best heroines, I've observed, have been the ones that leave strong impressions, either making many friends or many enemies (and sometimes both). Enchantress is a great anti-hero for how many heroines outright despise her, just as Ms. Metrobay is a great heroine for how many heroines admire her. Crissy is basically friends with almost everyone. She became a friend to Kitten back when Kitten was disreputable. She's tight with Solaria and Snowflake. Even Valient Grrl has been shown to be rather fond of the Squad's youngest team member. And I find her crush on Ted to be rather endearing as well.

Now, the problems.

Of course, this is all my opinion, and the good far outweighs her flaws, but some things about Crissy do bother me. For starters, she's often been treated like a "pretend" heroine, almost. I know I'm not alone in waiting and wanting "Blackout" to step up and wear a friggin' superhero costume. A long time ago, Fin showed off a "goth" Blackout that absolutely blows her current generic cadet uniform out of the water and made her look like a downright stunner. I took the liberty of just making a mock-up of normal Crissy in that same uniform and really liked the results. Image

Sadly, Crissy has been stuck in the same boring outfit for awhile, and I hear fans often state their preference of her HER drone uniform, as featureless and generic as that was, over it. At least it had "Black" in it, like her namesake.

Secondly, I'm still not sold on her rather abrupt character shift. She's gone from naive and almost cluelessly ignorant of how harsh Metrobay is, with a sweet tongue that called her naughty parts her "muffin", to a rather candid girl with no problems letting some foul language fly on occasion while knocking boots with Ted Twiss. That has all seemed to be parallel to her extremely abrupt shift from a perky campus detective type to a full-on robot aficionado. While that in itself isn't a bad thing, it's never been made entirely clear if this is the result of long-dormant desires that Sentius awoke or whether the "mind crash" Silver Satin gave her (and only her) scrambled her brains up a bit. It seems far too drastic and sudden for this to be a naturally developing interest and change in her personality, but at the same time we haven't ever received proper clarification on the cause of this. Of course, she's been exploring this very same thing herself in the past few stories (and the stories to come), so this niggling issue could very well be resolved soon, but for the character discussion NOW, I'll confess it's a big issue for me.

Overall, though, Crissy is wonderful, especially her rock solid foundation of natural charms and original powers. She's always vying for the second spot on my Metrobay favorites list (Valient Grrl still holds top stop while Belinda and Blackout alternate depending on the story). I enjoy every story she's in and I eagerly anticipate the excitement and trouble she's bound to get into. Keep it up.
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby Sierra008 » August 23rd, 2010, 1:05 pm

I have been reading the Metrobay series of stories for some time now and I have to say that Crissy, although a good girl at heart, needs to unleash her dark side and show the other heroines that she should be feared instead of treated like the youngest sister of the squad. I think she has the potential to be one of their greatest foes, and all it would take is a little nudge or a promise from Max to make her a robowoman. Let him fullfil her dreams of being a fully robotizied woman in exchange for her willing obediance. Although we all know that once converted that is a given anyway, but what would happen if instead of fighting the conversion, she embraced it and it gave her a measure of control? By fighting the process it destroys your will and wipes your mind clean and pliable. Would it also be safe to assume that if she were to fully embrace the conversion it would not be as likely to destroy her will or wipe her clean as a result of the conflict between operatating systems as it were? Maybe this is what this character needs to step out of the squads shadow and become a full fedged member. Plus I think she would look super hot with a black chrome suit whit stelletto heels.
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby cvn88 » October 31st, 2010, 10:57 pm

I've got to say, I'm liking Crissy, aka Blackout, more as a mind-controlled minion in The Bride more than I liked her as, well, herself in any of her appearances and even more than her time as the Black Controlunit during the Night of the Drones. Letting her show her "bad" side, and giving her a new look, seem to be doing wonders for her and I hope that something of that survives the expected "reset" at the end of that storyline.
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby Akonkid » November 1st, 2010, 10:14 am

cvn88 wrote:I've got to say, I'm liking Crissy, aka Blackout, more as a mind-controlled minion in The Bride more than I liked her as, well, herself in any of her appearances and even more than her time as the Black Controlunit during the Night of the Drones. Letting her show her "bad" side, and giving her a new look, seem to be doing wonders for her and I hope that something of that survives the expected "reset" at the end of that storyline.

Let me concur and echo these sentiments. I've always liked Crissy, especially when she was that sweet girl-next-door type that debuted in Sorority Sleuth. But as the villainous Blackout, she's unhinged, dangerous, and absolutely stunning as a dark and desirous beauty. I think a lot of MC fans enjoy the mindless human robots and the mindless zombie girls (I know I do), but there is also something undeniably attractive about having the pure and noble heroine corrupted and twisted into something lustful, evil, and taboo. She's a mockery of her former ideals and a shadow to her former purity.

As Blackout, I personally think is she is vastly more interesting than any of her prior appearances. Not that I didn't like her as a cute and naive little college girl that couldn't bring herself to swear, blushed at the thought of sex, and called her sexy bits her "muffin" and "cupcakes"; I did. As some pure and virtuous girl uncertain of herself in the big bad city surrounded by superpowered heroines and deviant villains, she was like Alice in Wonderland, trying to find herself, fit in, but always a bit of an outcast due to just how much the world of Metrobay didn't "click" with her. She was afraid and almost ashamed of her powers, of being the young rookie that didn't even know enough to get a proper uniform.

Not that I haven't enjoyed her recent robot fetish either; it still strikes me as very abrupt and extremely of out character, which is why I've been wanting a clear-cut explanation for it (though I surmise it was Silver Satin's fault for crashing her brain during the Night of the Drones). That story has been a great exploration of the past themes, characters, and motifs of Twisted Tales, with the nostalgic kick of the mind control helmets, Dr. Twisted making mindless robot girls again, and plenty of excuses for hot robot girl sex.

But Crissy as Blackout is just heads and tails more appealing to me. It's like Gothikka demolished the self-created walls she had that kept her from fulfilling her destiny or tapping into her full potential. Her powers aren't something she fears and barely controls anymore; they're weapons of vast and immense power she gleefully wields with confidence and conviction. Her body is no longer something she shamefully hides and calls by pet names; she's damn sexy and she knows it, flaunts it, and craves the attention. She's no longer a weak-willed doormat that quietly endures the lectures and chastises of her peers and superiors; she's a dominant, fiercely driven, sexually liberated woman that delights in confronting, capturing, and controlling everyone that ever looked down at her and took her for granted. The Squad trained her out of fear that she might one day slip down a dark path, and I love how their fears have been more than justified.

Simply put, she's also just so much more FUN as Blackout. No offense to Miss Tanner, but she's been a bit of a whiner for awhile. When she first started, she whined and complained about how shameful it was to be naked, how embarrassing it was to be captured and toyed with. She whined about her power, about being a rookie police cadet, about how she had trouble fitting in. When she got her head zapped by Marcy and awoke with a robot kink, she's spent the last several issues bitching and whining about wanting to be a robot, complaining that this or that isn't scratching her itch, whining to Silver Satin and Ted and Mechana... practically anybody willing (or unwilling) to listen.

As Blackout, we get none of that. Gothikka has twisted her into a woman of action. Now, instead of seeing something beyond her reach and complaining about it, she just outright takes it. She's cast off the Squad's short leash and assumed a position of control and dominance. She may still be Gothikka's slave, but she's not like the others. The ZomBabes are typical mindless beauties, devoid of emotion, thought, and free will. Blackout is brimming over with personality, exuberant enthusiasm, dark inclinations and desires, and more than a little twisted independence. She's just as dominant as Gothikka, but they compliment each other quite nicely. Still, there's a reason she's different; she's better than the other slaves, more wickedly creative and imaginative than they are, and pure and simply ENJOYS being what she is. If Gothikka left the picture and Blackout remained, I get the feeling she wouldn't WANT to go back to being "boring old shy and overlooked Crissy". Right now, she's someone legendary Squad members fear; her power brought Omega Woman to her knees and helped dominate the will of Ms. Metrobay. There's that old Machiavelli saying, "it is better to be feared than to be loved", and Crissy finally has the respect and awe of her peers, but she had to become a powerful, frightful force of evil to get it. Would she ever want to trade that away just so she can slip back into a generic cadet outfit and "pretend to be a grown-up heroine" again? Even though she serves Gothikka, this is the least reliant she's ever been on others; here she stands up for herself and can stand as her own character without needing to fall back emotionally on Marcy or Ted.

Beyond that, she's having fun. I don't think I've EVER seen Crissy "have fun". As Blackout, things go her way. She gets what she wants. If she meets resistance, she stands up to it, fights it, and takes it by force. She's proud of her sexuality, no hesitation or restraint as she taunts and teases her adversaries. She lords over them with a wicked smile as she taps into dark desires her ignoble self would have blushed at before. It's like a dam has ruptured and everything she kept secret, everything she bottled up out of fear and self-loathing, is gushing out. She loves being this powerful, this sexy, and this confident. More importantly, she loves who and what she is rather than fearing herself as a freak and outsider. In an odd way, though corrupted and tainted, she is more happy and at peace with who and what she is than she ever was before. And that makes her damn exciting in this incarnation.

Sorry for the long-winded rant, but I just love how Blackout feels so RIGHT in The Bride story. She just has everything going for her; her design is fantastic, her personality is amazing, her sex appeal has skyrocketed, her story potential is phenomenal, her actions are exciting, her dialogue is snappy, her powers are impressive, and her evolution into Blackout has made her more interesting than she's ever been before. And yet this feels like just a taste, a sample, a single small spoonful of delicious ice cream with a gallon jug of it waiting to be devoured. I hope that at some point Blackout exists like this again, and I don't say this lightly about any character, but I wouldn't mind if she existed like this permanently. She's more interesting, more fun, and more sexy, and she exists as a villain that you can truly cheer on and get behind. After years of being the weakest, most useless and patronized rookie that nobody really respected or took seriously, it is beyond satisfying to see her step into her own, show them why they should have given more of a damn about her, and why she's not "just another rookie"; she's a power player, someone that is just as potent and destructive as Valient Grrl or Omega Woman on their worst days. Honestly, I don't know if I'd want her any other way.
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby madcap » November 2nd, 2010, 3:11 pm

Hear, hear! I was going to write something up myself, but Akonkid pretty much said everything I'd wanted to bring up, and then some, much better than I likely would have put it. Love the new direction for Blackout, and I hope she doesn't go back to her rather plain old self once the two current stories she's involved in (continuity-wise, which is first?) finish.
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby jadelicosner89 » November 10th, 2010, 7:52 pm

i'd give her a 2... just because she's good does not really mean she's fantastic... sorry but she is not really that charming to everyone..
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby dumbtime » January 17th, 2011, 10:38 pm

Ok, someone suggested I post in this forum to maybe of stir the pot a bit and vent some stuff I got brewing about Prissy Crissy Tanner a.k.a. Blackout. Well, I might ruffle a few feathers but, I hope I don't step on any toes. It will be quick , short and to the point.

I'm getting fed up with the snotty little space cadet whining and pouting because she can't be a robot or satisfy her robot fetish. Its like a twelve year old girl begging to go to the mall every other minute. (chalkboard scratches) Its been dragging along to long in FF and I'm just so annoyed with it that I'm glad she is about to get her just deserves. I hope that Belinda completely wipes her off the radar. I mean completely obliterates her persona, permanently gone, goodbye. It needs to happen so her true identity can eventually come out. Not just when Gothikka is around. It needs to be who she becomes and never reverts back from. At first I thought it was cute how she keep fantasizing about the robot fetish and flirting with Ted but now, to me, its dragging down the whole series. Even with Belinda zapping VG's mind because of it, it still steals the thrill from what that event should have had. Please hurry it along and shut the babbling twit up.

There I said it. Hope it rings common to a few other people. If it doesn't then go read something else.

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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby madcap » January 17th, 2011, 10:46 pm

I think I get what you're saying, and it has been going on a long time now, but to my mind that's only going to make it that much more satisfying when she finally does get her just desserts in the next issue.

And I really do kind of hope that she maintains just enough awareness to come to regret her decision in some way, however split-second briefly, right before her mind is wiped and bound in the tight chains of Belinda's control (hopefully) forever!
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby dumbtime » January 17th, 2011, 11:01 pm

Well, I don't think she's going to regret it if it maintains the direction it should go. She was hypnotized to seek after this, to take the journey, to find her destination. She shouldn't have any regret unless she snaps out of the spell, which I can't see happening because this is what she really wants to be. Remember the Nightmare story where she thought she was scared but eventually turned her on.
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Re: Character Conversation #8: Crissy Tanner

Postby leto17 » January 18th, 2011, 9:07 pm

I hope she gets permanently altered and programmed to enjoy what she always wanted. She doesn't really rub me the wrong way.
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